There are some things I just don't want to hear!
My #5 turned eight years old in May, he has always loved to play with my hair. Really loved it! Obsessively loves it! So the other night after a long day at work followed by parenting classes #5 needed some serious hair time. I was trying to finish reading a book so while I read, curled up on my bed #5 played with my hair. After a few minutes he asked me in a concern filled voice, "Mom, when was the last time you colored your hair?"
What the... Gray coverage tips! Just not something I
wanta hear from my EIGHT year old.
I got the news from the blood work I had done when I started my job at the hospital that I was not immune to Mumps. Yikes! That means that unless I can provide documentation that I had the shot I have to get two, "stinging"
Measles, Mumps, Rubella shots. Dang! I called my Mom, "Did I have a
MMR shot when I was little?" I asked.
"Why?" She wanted to know.
"Because I'm immune to
Measles and Rubella but not Mumps." I replied.
Ummm, let's see..." she slipped into Mom Memory Mode.
"I remember we lived in Murray... and that your sister was born and... No! You didn't have the Mumps shot, they didn't even have a Mumps shot back then. That was a long time ago!"
What the... I don't need my MOM telling me I'm getting old! And, Does she realize that, by association, she's getting old too?
The other night I was cuddling on the couch with #7, Adorable Hubby was sitting in the arm chair. I left to get something in the other room. As I came back into the room I ran my hand through Adorable Hubbies hair and said, "Hey Lover!"
#7 swept open the blanket we'd been sharing offering me my spot back and said, in his sultriest 4 year old man voice, "Hey Babe!"
What the... Sultry voices on four years old, not something I want to hear. Even if he is awfully
cute ;)
There is a walking/riding/biking path in our community that we often pass on our way from here to there. At a certain spot on that path lives a homeless man, he is always there somewhere along the path and had been embraced by the community. We often see people stop to chat or bring him food or give him a little money. Every time we pass him #3 shakes his head with admiration and says with great
enthusiasm, "I love that Hobo!"
What the... #3 is just starting to look at career and life choices. I don't want to hear this career choice.