Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Inspired By You Wednesdays

Today I'm inspired by Deb over at Folksy Musings !

As I've mentioned before, I get these crushes on people, OK, things, foods, shows and even concepts are not immune to my crushes. I've been crushing on Deb for a while now. Her timely reviews of reality TV make me feel so "Hip" and "In the know, despite not getting my trashy reality fix often enough.

Deb offers deep and insightful reviews of newsworthy events, like Michael Jackson's funeral, and her adorable sons Android, wait, that's Adenoid surgery .

Best of all Deb reviews the best As Seen on television products, that tube of Mighty Putty you're all getting for Christmas this year, you can thank Deb.

Yes the antics of Princess and Dexy are cute and the exploits Sven Debs, George Clooney double, husband are precious but my favorite are the exposes', rest stop toilets in Arkansas with au naturel plumbing , how could I have seen that one coming? Thanks Deb. I'll re-think that Arkansas vacation I've been planning.

There you have it bloggy friends, my latest bloggy crush. Thanks for all the laughs Deb. Heckling a movie with you is #11 on my "Bucket List".


Barbaloot said...

I'm not sure I could keep up with Deb's heckling in real life. But I definitely get how her reality reviews help keep you up to date:)

Mummy McTavish said...

Ooooh, another blog to go check out... Thanks Boy Mom!

Deb said...

Thanks so much! I'm blushing...

LeShel said...

i have now spent the morning laughing until i nearly pee'd my pants.... thanks for the addition to my blog roll!

Mr. and Mrs. Nurse Boy said...

I took a peak and she is awesome!!! Thanks for adding another blog to my list of must reads.

Hope everyone is still well over there :0)

Mrs. Nurse Boy

Mormon Mommy Blogs said...

Hi there! You were the Shelf Reliance Winner on the MMB. Send me an email with your information on it, and I'll get your goods to you!


~motheboard, mmb

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