I've Got BoY MOm.
IF you WaNt heR baCk place...
A couPle thou$and dollar$
FiVe sEtS of PaDs
FIve (GaG) MoUth GUaRds
fiVe JersEys
FivE pair'S of StinKy socks
10 muDDy cleATes
FivE paIrs of GrasS sTained wHite panTs
FIVE sets of exPen$ive, sweaty unDer Armour
ThreE LaWn cHairs
Twelve KaTrillon bottleS Of GaToRadE
2 LosT gloveS (from diffErent pAirs of course)
TweNty weeKly PracTices
5 GaMes a wEEk
60 StadDium DiNNeRs
1 LarGe, waRm, approRiateLy colORed blanKeT
ThRee MonThs
In A diStinCTtively MaRkeD sUbUrBan.
You wIll bE conTacteD by 5 CoaChes witH drOp oFf/pIck uP tIMes.
wE aRe sERious abOut ThIS dO NoT tRy to contAct law EnforCement TheY WoN'T wriTE Off thAt sPeeDing to PraCticE TickEt.
IF YOU evEr WanT to sEE BOy MoM again follOw alL insTrucTions.
Dang, one less boy mom in the world. tooo Bad, She was such a nice person, too. Oh well ;)
Have a great season. I do hope we'll see some awesome pictures of wounds with blood.
sadly there were never more true words written about a sports season.
good luck with that ransom, we'll keep our fingers crossed.
I hope she comes back safe and alive!
If only I knew where to get all those things. Especially the three months:)
Have fun!
Is there a code of some sort in this blog? I keep trying to make secret words with the capital letters to lower case letter ratio. :)
Hysterical, I love it! On the other hand, you poor dear! :)
Blessings, C~
Oh my. Well, at least I know you have other moms there to keep you company in your confinement:)
Um, Susan, I think there's something wrong with you computer keyboard. ;-)
I sure will miss her!!!! Stinky boys and all!! ;0)
Mrs. NB
Are you fingers sore from hitting the shift key?
No broken femurs this year, BOYS!!!
Fingers are okay.
Good Luck, Boy Mom. Boys too....
Luv you all
I'd like to help you out but I don't have any of that sruff.
Oh wait I do have stinky underarmor, socks.
I am willing to donate soccer clets and soccer jersey's; however if I do , I might get kidnapped myself.
I will truely miss you. Do they hide football moms and soccer moms in the same place?
If so, I also hope it is at a spa.
That is some serious equipment!!! I hope we see a swift return of Boy Mom!! Its been so long since I've been able to keep up with everyone.
ROFL Brilliant post!! Obviously you are happy doing all this for the men in your life.... so what "pink" activities to they do for the oh so lovely Boy Mom?? C'mon they gotta give somethin' back!! haha.
Thanks, that made me wanna puke. All that stinky boy stuff getting sweated in and grotty and ick.
Boy Mom, if they let you read this I just want you to know that it's been nice knowing you but there is no way on earth I am touching all that disgustingness. You are on your own!
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