Friday, October 19, 2007

No Cookies Today

I found a diet thats supposed to target women fat caused by to much estrogen in our bodies. Turns out that estrogen or estrogen mimicing chemicals are given to animals so they are in dairy and meat and it is in pesticides and to much of it in us causes our bodies to store and excess of fat in bellies, hips and thighs. So I started it yesterday lots of fruits and veggies (especially cruciferous ie. Cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower) and nuts and water and plain yogurt, fish and eggs. Then whole grains and beans in the evening. Nothing unusual just a good healthy dose of the Word of Wisdom. So tomorrow I will make Pumpkin Cookies for my crew it takes me a day or two with nice results on the scale too get strong enough to bake and not eat. This morning after one day down 3 lbs. Yee Haw!

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