Tuesday, July 28, 2009


Tonight was pack meeting, yes after a short hiatus I have returned to my roll as den mother. And, as of tonight, have a Bob Cat, soon to be Wolf scout.

One of the activities at Pack Meeting was a relay which included crab walking. Remember crab walking? Where you sit down push up with your hands and feet and walk, belly up, on all fours, you know, like a crab!

I remembered Crab kickball from second grade but wasn't sure if I could still lift my butt off the floor or move in that position. I wasn't willing to give it a try with the dads, I was the only Mom there besides the scout leader. But the minute I got home, you know it baby, I was down on the floor checking out my crab walking skills.

Dang! I could have won that relay!


Techno Grandma said...

Hey!! Where's the pictures?

Heffalump said...

Those were the days! Crab walking and those cute little scooters we got to use in P.E.

Mummy McTavish said...

Yeah, not the most elegant of positions... or the easiest to get back out of. I'd say in this case I would have given the winning a miss too in favour of retaining what little dignity I remain in posession of. I'd still love to see some photos... better still a video of your winning crabwalk style.

PS While trying to write crabwalk just then I kept swapping the b to a p over and over... I think that particular walk is when the kids have the trotts and you have to negotiate the mess to clean it up... nice.

Anonymous said...

Yep, the title on this one scared me a little. I mean, y'all have had the flu, the throwups, etc. Need I say more on what I was HOPING your blog was NOT about? Yuck!

Cathy Brian said...

WHAT?!!!! who cares about the Dads. You know you could have won! If you had it when you were 4 or 5 You can still pull it off at 44 or 45. Just don't race more then once, If you know what I mean.

Mr. and Mrs. Nurse Boy said...

Yeah, I want to know where the pictures are too!! I would have done the same thing... ya know, tried it in the privacy of my own home. As a matter of a fact, you've got me wondering...

Mrs. Nurse Boy

Valerie said...

I know that I couldn't still do that, so I won't even hurt myself trying!! LOL Good for you though, that you still have the skills!!

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